Chicken Salad with mango avocado dressing

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This sweet and creamy dressing was created when Thai mangoes are in season. I thought it will work well with chicken.

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Here are the ingredients for the dressing.




olive oil

lemon juice



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Blend all ingredients until smooth and creamy. Feel free to adjust the amount of ingredients to your liking.

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For this recipe, I am using:

chicken breast




rosemary (1 sprig)



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Marinate chicken breast with salt and pepper. I am so used to steaming chicken and carrots with a sprig of rosemary that it has become my second nature. I love how the scent of the herb can infuse into the food like magic. The celery was kept raw to have a crunch in the overall texture of this dish. And the last step is to coat all ingredients evenly with the dressing and serve.

Oh yes, not forgetting a glass of white and perhaps some crusty bread plus more olive oil.

I hope you will like this recipe.


steam chicken salad 1

Quite often, I like to steam all ingredients to make a complete dish to get a balance in my diet. This recipe is one of my all-time favorite. You can boil the vegetables but I prefer to cut them into bite size and steam it to retain their full flavor and they cook fast in this way.

Chicken breast



One Shallot, finely chopped

A sprig of rosemary

Whole grain mustard


Lemon juice

Olive oil

Sea salt

White pepper

Black pepper

steam chicken salad 2

Season chicken breast with salt and white pepper and steam them whole with rosemary. Cut into bite size when cooked. Cut potatoes and carrots and steam till tender. For the dressing, combine shallots, mustard, mayonnaise, lemon juice, sea salt, black pepper and olive oil. Mix well then coat chicken, potatoes and carrots evenly. You can serve it immediately or leave it in the fridge for an hour.