spicy mushroom 4

It’s been a busy week at work. Today I decide to take a breather and left office before the stars starts to glitter. Not that I can admire them through the gaps between those skyscrapers.

Returning to my kitchen always makes me happy. With music and a sip of chardonnay, I made this Spanish tapas to go with homemade crusty bread (click here for recipe) which is now always available on the dining table.

spicy mushroom 1

spicy mushroom 2

Your favorite mushrooms

Chopped garlic

Chopped red chili

Hot paprika

Tobasco sauce

Olive oil

Freshly crushed black pepper

Sea salt

spicy mushroom 3

Fry mushrooms in olive oil over medium heat till they start to shrink. Put in garlic, paprika, pepper, salt and fry till fully cooked. Sprinkle a good amount of Tobasco sauce over and top it up with chili. Serve immediately.

The best part comes after you have finished the mushrooms and use crusty bread to wipe up all the garlicky chili oil.

You might want to get ready a large glass of lemonade. 


    1. Hi Ingrid! So happy to hear from you. I was deciding between those little dynamite bird chili or tobasco and picked the latter for its unique flavor. Glad it worked. I have been baking bread every weekend. its fun!

  1. oh Danny does this look good..and your bread looks amazing as always..i just bought some button mushrooms today that look a bit lacking in flavor, will have to give this recipe a try…i just love your photography for this post, the mushroom are just beautiful with the oil all around them… lovely post..sarah

    1. Sarah! I am so happy to hear from you 🙂 Thank you for your very nice comment. Glad you like it. If you try, please let me know how it worked for you….I would love to try a mixture of different mushrooms with this recipe….danny

  2. Oh my goodness Danny this looks incredibly delicious! Spicy garlic just has a delicious ring to it! Yummy! I don’t love the texture of mushrooms but I really love the depth of flavor they add and I know this has got to taste amazing. What a great recipe!

    1. Brandi !!! I am so happy to hear from you. 🙂 Thank you for your very nice comment. It means so much to me coming from you. I used to not liking mushrooms but learnt to accept it lately. However, I still can’t eat certain varieties too.

  3. These mushrooms with the garlicky chili oil look delicious! Your bread also seems so crunchy on the outside, yet perfectly soft on the inside. I’m going to have to give your bread recipe a try!

    1. Thank you very much Veronica. So happy you like it. I have also begin to use a poolish (over night starter) for my bread. It adds that unique bread flavor which is absent from direct dough. Also discovered a 70% hydration dough works best for me. If you try, please let me know how it goes. I am still exploring it myself. 🙂

      1. Bread making is a whole new category of learning itself- a combination of art and science. I have much to learn; and it is definitely on my recipes to explore list!

  4. Is kitchen your paradise? Sound like you might need a massage as well.

    You have perfected the bread. It looks like from a famous bakery.

    1. Irene! So happy to hear from you. How have you been?
      Yeah, I do need a massage as well, another busy week ahead….
      Thank you for your very kind comment. I’m truly flattered. I’ve been trying all kinds of recipes. Bread baking is really fun! I love playing with the dough like a kid. 🙂

  5. These spicy garlic mushrooms look fantastic. What a nice pairing with the crusty bread. I love those rustic bread and I’ll off to check that recipe out. It’s the best to make my own homemade bread! 😉 Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you very much Amy. So happy you like it. I’m glad I took a break to make this. Been a tiring week at work and another to go…..I love baking bread. It’s really fun. I have also started to use a poolish which worked really well. Please share your bread recipes. I’ll love to learn more. 🙂

  6. Not only do I love eating mushrooms, but I am a chili freak. I love anything hot and spicy on my food. I once cooked chili con carne for friends, and they said it was chili con chili. Failed. Liking your food presentations. Am sure it tastes heavenly. 🙂

    1. Thank you very much! I am flattered. Would have to admit I am pretty obsessed with bread baking. Playing with the dough like a kid to see nature creating magic to those basic ingredients. It’s amazing.

  7. Your garlic mushrooms with the hot chilies would delicious on their own but with the homemade bread…that could be a meal for me.

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