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I survived three weeks of hectic schedule at work and finally had a chance to return to my kitchen and play with a 70% hydration ciabatta dough. It turns out alright with the crumb I wanted. This time I used a poolish (overnight starter) to give the unique flavor a bread should have.

This recipe makes one loaf.


150g warm water

150g bread flour or all purpose flour with 10%-12% protein

1/8 teaspoon dried yeast

Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Cover well with plastic sheet and leave it for 12 hours. I always prepare it the night before.


150g warm water

280g flour

1/2 + 1/8 teaspoon dried yeast

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 tablespoon olive oil

green olives (optional)

Mix all ingredients (including poolish) and work the dough for 10-15 minutes. It is a sticky dough but avoid adding more flour while working on it. 

Let it rest in a covered bowl for 45 mins.

Stretch and fold the dough from 4 sides and let it rest in a covered bowl for 45 mins.

Sprinkle enough flour on a baking tray and shape the dough into a ciabatta. Cover with plastic bag and let it rest for a good 2 hours.

Add sliced olives on top. (optional)

Preheat oven to 425F and bake for 30 minutes.


This bread can stay soft on the inside for 3 days before it starts to become stale.

63 thoughts on “CIABATTA BREAD

  1. Danny, your loaf of fresh ciabatta bread looks perfect and delicious, love your pictures too! 🙂 adding green olives; it’s a good idea; makes the bread more tasty and delicious!

    1. Thank you for the compliment. I am so happy you like it. If your oven is big enough, you can stretch it more for a thinner version which would mean more crust for dipping 🙂 if you try, do let me know how it goes….danny

    1. Hi Anne, thank you for your very nice comment. The olives did give it extra points. I’m glad to use it. And I love ciabatta too! It is an easy and nice bread to make.

  2. Wow! Danny, this looks incredible. I can only imagine the aroma! This is positively one of the best homemade loaves I have ever seen. I would love to taste a slice.., yummy! Brilliant my friend 🙂

    1. Aw…Thank you Judy. That was a really kind compliment and you make my day 🙂 Thank you also for your support over at the linkedin site. You are always so nice. Great to know you my friend!


    1. Thank you so much Irene. I’m so happy you like it. Yeah, I should have put more olives next time. The saltiness is a nice complement to the bread. I am still having problems making really soft rolls….that will take some time. But I love crusty loafs more 🙂

  3. Your olive ciabatta looks pretty amazing! I love the inside shots a lot: That’s so cool!

    MMMMMMMMM! I have made ciabatta from scratch before but never like your tasty recipe! I must change that!

    1. Thank you my friend. The inside shots were actually accidental which I thought they were cool too!

      Most ciabatta recipes goes for 80% hydration dough which is impossible to knead and turns out gummy which is not what I preferred. This version still maintain a fluffy “bread” interior.

  4. This is the most gorgeous ciabatta bread I’ve seen. The golden crust is beautiful. I love your shots zooming in and show the details and texture of the bread inside. 🙂

  5. Danny that bread looks completely gorgeous! I love all the texture and the Olives are a wonderful touch. I love olives so much. I really wish I had a piece to dip in my soup right now!!

    1. Hi Brandi! So happy you like it! The olives did gave that extra fragrance and flavor. I’m glad to have used it. This loaf is less gummy as compared to the usual ciabatta. It is still fluffy inside which is what i prefer. Let’s do a barter trade here with your soup and my bread. 🙂

    1. Wow!…I am so flattered! This is such a big compliment! Thank you so much my friend. I really appreciate it. You just gave me a lot more courage to explore further.

    1. Aw……..Anto, That is such a nice comment. Thank you very much. It is worth the 5 hours of preparation. If you try, please let me know how it worked for you. 🙂


    1. Thank you Pam. I am so happy to hear from you. I love olives too..sure to add more next time. You have a lovely blog. Glad to have found you. I am following. 🙂

  6. My husband keeps bringing up that we need to figure out how to make ciabatta bread at home. I’m so glad I came across your post! The interior shots are great, that’s just the texture I would love to get. I have a sourdough starter starting to ferment right now, but I hope to try this bread recipe next. Lovely blog 🙂

    1. Hi Kelly, thank you for stopping by and liking this post. Let me know how it goes if you try. and looking forward to your sour dough bread. will you be posting it? ….danny

      1. I’ll definitely let you know how it comes out. I’m not sure if I’ll post the sourdough. I think that will depend on how it turns out 😉 I’m very new to making bread, so I’m sure there will be some mini and major disasters along the way!

  7. Ciabatta looks great but can you clarify what you mean by “stretch and fold dough on four sides?” especially on folding part…thank you!

    1. Hi Kim,

      Thanks for stopping by and please pardon my vague description. Here’s a video link that illustrates much better about the stretch and fold technique.

      Best Wishes,

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